《傻乎乎的大猩猩/Goofy Gorillas》 STEAM联机补丁
关于 《傻乎乎的大猩猩/Goofy Gorillas》这款游戏
欢迎来到 Goofy Gorillas,这是最大的怀旧驱动的虚拟丛林健身房!
你想和朋友一起玩典型的童年游戏吗?也许您想用充气锤玩 Tag,甚至想玩拳击手套来进一步提高赌注?为什么不在死亡竞赛战斗中把你的朋友变成敌人呢?您和最多 9 名其他玩家可以参加这些活动,同时还可以获得 GP(高飞积分)。通过赚取 GP 获得等级,然后可以使用它来解锁独特的化妆品,以便在您选择的游戏模式中获胜时炫耀!
如果您只是想放松一下而不用担心被追赶,或者您还不想把你的朋友变成敌人,我们帮你搞定了!Goofy Gorillas 在任何游戏模式开始之前都会优先创建一个社交中心,因此您可以做任何您想做的事情 – 也可以使用随时玩的小迷你游戏!虽然没有激活的游戏模式,但您和您的朋友可以在游戏区玩包括 Four in a Row 和街机的游戏。
Goofy Gorillas 现在还使用近距离语音聊天,因此您可以通过在游戏中进行交流并听起来像您真的在那里一样,真正沉浸在与他人的互动中! 死亡竞赛!
Infector is another classic game. It plays just like Hide & Seek, but there’s a catch… One player is chosen as the Infector, and by catching the Runners, they too will become an Infector. Once everyone has been caught, the Infector team will win… or lose if there’s just a single player still standing. The runners will have nothing to defend themselves besides their ability to hide and run… unless they find a conveniently placed Stink Bomb or Banana Peel.
Be careful who you trust in this gamemode; once your “friend” has been caught, they will not be your friend anymore!
Infector: After Hours!
The Goofy Staff have gone home for the night, so the whole jungle gym will be in complete darkness. The Survivors will be equipped with glowsticks to help navigate around and the Infectors will be armed with flashlights, which are also designed to help navigate around, but they are also used to whack the Survivors! All of the rules from Infector apply in this gamemode too.
To make the experience just that little more creepy, nametags will not be visible above the players, so you’ll have to be extra cautious around everyone you bump into!
King of the Castle!
A new addition to Goofy Gorillas. A randomly designated area will be highlighted in the jungle gym and the first player to find it must then stand their ground from opposing players. Should the King be dethroned, the next player will take their place and begin their reign. The longer the reign, the more points you get!
Tag, You’re It! + Tag: After Hours!
一个呼声很高的游戏模式。大家都熟知的标签现在出现在 Goofy Gorillas 中,只不过这次它带有充气锤、拳击手套和高飞枪!每个人都躲避被选中的玩家。如果他们抓住了一名玩家,他们都会交换阵营,他们将成为新选择的玩家 It!
每个玩家都会获得固定数量的积分,如果他们是 It,他们的积分就会滴答作响!阻止积分下降的唯一方法是标记玩家。当玩家失去所有积分时,比赛将结束。
剑 圣!
随机选择一名玩家成为主宰,他的生命值有点多,可以承受很多攻击。其余玩家试图在计时器结束之前用所有物品干掉 Juggernaut。主宰只能使用臭炸弹和香蕉皮来躲避攻击者。 Goofy Gorillas 由三个丛林健身房组成,所有健身房都旨在提供不同的游戏体验。
The Refurbished jungle gym is approximately half the size of the Original map and is designed for faster-paced gamemodes and is ideal for any party size! While it only features one ballpit and the soccer field, the compact structure of the jungle gym makes for fun and interesting engagements while partaking in the gamemodes!
The Complex.
Built using the same space as the Refurbished map, The Complex is designed for all things close-quarter combat related! With a much simpler layout than the other maps, it’s great for those who find themselves lost quite often and it’s also perfect for those who just want to go all out and cause havok!
But what’s the catch? Well, this map features the Sweeper machine! Jump over the spinning platform, or duck under it… If you get hit, you’ll REALLY feel it! This machine is capable of incapacitating anyone, even at the slower speeds, so do be careful if you venture into the Sweeper lair (there are plenty of warning signs)!